Archive for the ‘Cedrick Desjardins’ Tag

Pendant ce temps, à Hamilton…

While the habs are busy playing .500 hockey, there are some other guys that need some recognition. The Hamilton Bulldogs. They’re having a great season, and their recent streak is very very impressive.

There’s one guy in particular who needs major props among the Bulldogs: Cedrick Desjardins. The young goalie is having an unbelievable month.

He allowed only 2 goals over the last 7 games (although he played only part of two of those games). Here are his numbers over that stretch:

Save %: ,985
Goals against average: 0,344
Shutouts: 3

If he hadn’t allowed a goal last wednesday, he would have had 4 shutouts in a row.

Just incredible.

IMG_0359(picture taken by EP)

Following the Bulldogs is a little more complicated for me than following the Habs, because I can rarely see them play, and staying up that late to listen to a radio feed is a little too much. But the few times I’ve listened to them, I enjoyed it. It’s nice to read about them and to see them doing well, especially when the Habs are struggling. But now I’m starting to like the Bulldogs regardless of the Habs. I mean, at first I was happy when they were winning because it’s a good sign for the Habs’ future. But now I’m just happy for Hamilton.

Posted December 14, 2009 by Grrrreg in Uncategorized

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